our Documents





When you think of a marketing strategy, our minds immediately tick off areas such as social media, a slick website, advertisements and print materials. To us, this is the foundation of a well-rounded strategy where each channel is just as important as the other, working together like cogs in a well-oiled machine.

While we are right in thinking in this way, it is wrong of us to neglect other elements of marketing, ones that are just as important as bigger players such as print and digital marketing. Elements like professional signage.

Good signage is invaluable for any business, not to mention that it has a great return on investment! To show you how it can benefit you, here are our top 4 reasons why signage is important for your business.


Signage is cost-effective
While it may be a considerable initial investment, once the one-off payment is made for your signage, you won’t have to make any further costs for the running or maintenance of them. This makes signage one of the most cost-effective (and easiest!) elements of your overall marketing strategy.


Signage increases brand exposure
Good signage will convey the quality of your brand, differentiating you from your competitors and attracting customers to your business. Not only are customers more likely to trust in your products and services because of your signage (compared to businesses who don’t have signage), but they are also more likely to remember your brand and recommend your business to others.


Signage helps you stand out from competitors
Surveys have found that about 8 in 10 consumers have entered a business they had never visited before based simply on its signs, while 67% of consumers said they had purchased a product or service because a sign caught their eye. This is a huge return for such a simple and cost-effective addition to your business, so next time you think you don’t need signage, think about the consumers that will be going to your competitors instead if you don’t.

Signage is 24/7, year-round advertising
Good signage doesn’t need any effort once it is installed, it doesn’t need any staff to run or manage it and it doesn’t need any maintenance apart from maybe a clean once in a while. When you think that your signage advertises your business all year round, at all times every day and doesn’t need you to think twice about it, isn’t that alone worth the investment?

Good signage has to be professional to get the results you want…
Putting up any old signs will do more harm than good for your business, so make sure that they are on brand and of high-quality with a professional finish. If you need help with the design of your signage or developing an effective signage strategy, please reach out to us as we can help you get the results that you want.

Terms & Conditions

1 Acceptance of Orders
1.1 Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD will only accept signed quotations or email confirmation on acceptance of quotations. Verbal agreements unfortunately will not be accepted.
1.2 Once a quotation has been accepted in writing, it is considered the client agrees and accepts the company’s pricing and terms and conditions.
1.3 Quotations are valid for 14 days unless otherwise stated or agreed upon.
1.4 It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that the products and product specifications quoted, are indeed correct according to requirements. Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD will not accept any liability whatsoever should the order be rejected due to incorrect materials and or specifications.
2 Order Deposits and Balance Payments
2.1 Leo Branding & Signage PTY(Ltd) only accept EFT payments, unless otherwise arranged.
2.2 All orders less than R10 000,00 in value, are to be paid upfront in full before the commencement of production, unless otherwise indicated or discussed.
2.3 Orders with the value exceeding R10 000.00 will be subject to a Deposit of 75%, before the commencement of the order, with the remaining Balance of 25% payable upon completion of the order, unless otherwise indicated or discussed. 
2.4 All balance payments must be made on completion of installation, supply or delivery.
2.5 Any EFT payment made will only be accepted paid once funds have reflected in the bank account of Leo Branding & Signage.
2.6 The clients deposit will automatically indicate the client’s acceptance of these terms and conditions.
2.7 In cases where part order is delivered, collected or installed, payment for the particular item must be made.
2.8 Any issues or problems arising after installation or delivery of products, does not entitle the client to withhold payment for whatsoever reason. Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD will endeavour to correct any problems as efficiently as possible, but clients will remain liable for full settlement of outstanding monies.
2.9 Any items supplied, collected, delivered or installed, remain the property of Leo Branding and Signage, until fully paid for.
2.10 Any arrears amount due to Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD, not settled within the agreed period, may be handed over for debt collection. All additional costs incurred will be for the client’s account.
3 Cancellations of Orders
3.1 Any cancellation of an order, for whatsoever reason, will be subject to a review process. Any work completed, in progress or materials ordered (if any) will first be calculated and deducted from the deposit before cancellation is accepted and refund is made.
4 Ownership
4.1 Ownership of any/all products will unconditionally remain the property of Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD until payment has been made in full and is reflected in the Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD’s bank account.
4.2 Leo Branding & Signage PTY(Ltd) reserve the right, to collect, Un-Install any items supplied and or installed, due to no payment.
5 Liability
5.1 Liability of products supplied by Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD to the client shall automatically shift accordingly either:
5.1.1Upon completion of installation
5.1.224 hours after notification of completion of orders/products.
5.2 The client hereby acknowledges and accepts that immediately on occurrence of either of the above, the client will remain liable for all monies due to Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD, even in such instances that the order/products are damaged or destroyed due to, including but not limited to any third party, vandalism, uncontrollable events or any unforeseen instances.
5.3 The quotation given by Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD is given in good faith and on the assumption that all walls, paint, plaster, glass and structures are of sound quality and superior workmanship. In the case whereby during installation it is found that there will be additional expenses due to unforeseen issues, the client will immediately be notified and an additional quote may be given to rectify the problem.
6. Warranty
6.1 Any problems, issues or defect with items supplied must be made known to Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD via email within 7 days of supply, delivery or installation. Failure to notify Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD via email will result in the clients’ forfeit of any warranty claim against Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD.
6.2 General signage, including digital prints, holds a 12-month warranty.
6.3 Electrical components, hold a 6-month supplier warranty, but are subject to prior fault evaluation.
6.4 Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD warranty excludes any:
6.4.1Third party / contractor tampering and or damage.
6.4.2Use of products in the in-correct way or non-intended purpose.
6.4.3Any testing or forcing of products outside of their intended purpose.
6.4.4 Any damage due to clients’ choice of materials when recommended otherwise by Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD.
6.4.5Any error in the client’s choice or decision of size, materials etc.
6.4.6 Any un-controllable event, including but not limited to, acts of God which include heavy rain, strong winds or any other type of extreme weather condition.
6.5 Workmanship has an unlimited guarantee.
7 Supplied Artwork
7.1 Any artwork supplied is deemed to be “print-ready”
7.2 Artwork supplied will not be “worked on”. In the case where changes or editing is required, this will be quoted for if necessary.
7.3 Only CDR, Editable PDF, on size JPG files are accepted as appropriate supplied artwork, any other formats will first be evaluated before acceptance.
7.4 Leo Branding & Signage PTY(Ltd) takes no responsibility whatsoever for supplied artworks final colours or quality.
8. Proofing & Approval
8.1 Correctness of all information on the artwork proofs lies solely with the client, and any work produced after the clients have accepted the proofs supplied will incur no liability against Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD, irrespective of the degree of error.
8.2 The client is responsible to ensure that all information is 100% correct. Should the client be uncertain, no assumptions can be accepted by Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD and final products are hence deemed as completed correctly.
8.3 Signature and/or acceptance of the artwork deems the finalization and binding of the order. Only signed artwork proofs or emailed acceptance is regarded as acceptable by Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD. No telephonic approvals will be accepted.
8.4 Any changes to artwork proofs will be subject to additional proofing, no changes and acceptance can be accepted simultaneously.
8.5 Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD will not be liable for incorrect work being produced after the proofs have been approved, even if samples are supplied. All order information is accepted correct once artwork is approved for production.
8.6 Unless specifically stated, proofs are not to scale, and represent mere interpretation of the order. The finished product may differ from proofs to accommodate the various processes used.
8.7 Colour variations are un-avoidable in the advertising industry. It will be at the sole discretion of Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD, to deem the acceptability of finished products. Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD will however do all that is possible to meet the quality requirements of the customer.
8.9 Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD reserves the right to add a company imprint (consisting of company name and telephone number) onto all products in a discreet and acceptable format.
8.10 Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD will not be liable for any/all copyright infringements, as well as the use of any un-wholesome text or images, and the customer accepts any/all liability in this regard, and no prejudice against Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD can be accepted. In such cases the client shall submit to the company in writing a statement of relinquishment of all liability.
9 Delivery Times
9.1 Approval indicates the time at which the order is approved for production and not from when the order is placed.
9.2 Delivery times are a base indication and in all possible and reasonable effort will be kept, however, delays may occur that are out of Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD control and hence delivery times may need to be extended. This includes but is not limited to: material shortages, supplier delays, external contractors or riggers, material defects, un-favourable weather conditions or conditions considered to be dangerous to work under, labour unrest or striking, courier service delays, uncommon materials.
10 Installations
10.1 In the event that the proposed site and or area, is not ready for installation as arranged, Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD reserves the right to invoice an addition 20%, of the quotation, over and above the 70% deposit, the client will retain the outstanding 10% until final completion of the signage installation.
10.2 On any order or product requiring installation, installation is not included in the prescribed delivery times and will occur at the first available time for scheduling that is available, after production is complete.
10.3 All installations quoted, are up to a maximum of 6 meters from ground level. Should the installation exceed this height the client will be liable for additional costs due to rigging or crane, cherry picker, scissor hoists, ski-jacks etc. This will be indicated within the quotation if so required.
10.4 The client accepts and agrees that once an installation date has been set, the client or authorized representative must be available to grant any of Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD employee’s access to the site/premises to complete any work required at the time and place agreed. Failure to grant/gain access will subject the client to an additional call out fee as well as re-scheduling of the work to be done, of which no guarantee of date will be available.
10.5 On request the client is to supply a point of electrical connection for any tools needed to be used by Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD. Should an electrical point not be available, this must be made known, before any installation arrangements are finalized.
10.6 For signage installations that require electrical connections, the client must ensure that a connection is available all connections to the building primary wiring, must be completed by a qualified electrician. Leo Branding & Signage (PTY)LTD is prohibited by law to complete such connections.
10.7 The client shall be responsible for obtaining the permission of the owner of the premises and any municipal or other authority that may from time to time be required for the installation of the signage, and undertakes to comply at all times with the relevant statutory regulation, ordinances and by-laws in force
11 Snags
11.1 Should there be any “snags” after installation of the signage, the client must inform Leo Branding and Signage (PTY)LTD, in writing, within 48hours. 
11.2 “Snags” do not entitle the client to withhold payment, which is due on the completion of the installation.

Artwork Specifications

Formats that we accept use for purpose of production.
· Portable document format (.pdf)
· Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpeg)
· Tagged image file format (.tiff)
We cannot use any MS Office files for production. Artwork supplied in any of these formats will have to be recreated in CorelDRAW, which will incur artwork charges.


4 colour process – All PDFs should be supplied using CMYK only. All RGB images and/or pantone spot colours used must be converted to CMYK within the native application prior to converting to PDF. This includes all imported graphics and images (e.g. eps, psd, jpeg, tiff files etc) within your PDF.
Spot work – All PDFs should be supplied in the correct spot colours using only the spot colours required. Any CMYK or RGB images must be converted to spot within the native application prior to converting to PDF. This includes all imported graphics and images (e.g. eps, psd, jpeg, tiff files etc) within your PDF.


We do not accept files from the following programs (unless they are flattened PDFs created by these programs): Publisher, Word, PowerPoint, or Canva.
Artwork for digital printing must be supplied at 300dpi at the actual size (1:1). Files that become too big (generally bigger than 300 megabytes), can be saved at 50 percent or at the very least 33 percent of their actual size, while keeping the resolution at 300dpi. Artwork for vinyl cutting and profile cutting must be supplied in vector format.


All Fonts must be converted to curves or embedded within the supplied artwork.


Please use WeTransfer or DropBox to send files larger than 5megabytes. Send the links to info@leobranding.co.za


Leo Branding & Signage PTY(Ltd) have skilled designers. Please contact us if you require any new design work, if you need existing artwork to be amended or you are unsure about preparing your artwork to comply with the guidelines above.


Get in touch with us, let us assist you in the best possible signage and branding option for you and your business to ensure you STAND OUT, head and shoulders above your competitors and showing your clients WHO YOU ARE!